Here are a few shots of the 6' Cod Rib Settee that I just delivered last week. I managed to get it delivered a day ahead of schedule in order to avoid driving through another north east coastal storm. The trip was highlighted by having the chance to see the great house where the bench will live and to meet the owners. When looking at the photos, remember that this bench is 1" shallower (front to back) that the
6' Settee on my website. I think it works. There is a difference though.

Also, I was able to do the delivery in my 1987 300TD Mercedes wagon that I bartered for a few years back. A six foot bench just fits in the back. I was also delivering the car to the dealership from where I got the car in order to have some specialized exhaust work done on it. My friend and owner of the dealership was gracious enough to give me a very nice loaner. At least to me. It is a 2002 E320 Mercedes sedan. These are amazing cars. Even 9 years old and with 143000 miles on it, it is tight, powerful and smooth driving. I will definitely keep an eye out for one of these. For me, it is a reminder that buying quality does pay. The car that I took in for work has 280,000 miles on it and I have another '87 wagon with 480,000 miles on it that I try to drive only in the summer these days. It is in great shape, though the newer cars, 10 or so years old, are way ahead. During these times of fuel and climate issues, I feel guilty about it but I do love cars. We spend so much time in them that it is understandable I guess. It is always exciting to see what the car companies are coming out with to use less fuel and to give more comfort and performance. The only drawback is that I need to wait ten years until I can afford it. If you have a ten year old E-Class Mercedes, I may be interested in bartering. Diesels are preferable.

And, yes, work is coming in. After a slow period, I have a bunch of new orders. I am currently working on 2 Pencil Post Beds, 3 Kitchen Work Stools, 8 New Waltham Side Chairs, 2 custom Trestle Tables and I am waiting on a deposit for a 5' Waltham Bench.
More coming soon,