To sign up, go to the HatchSpace website.
Make Your Own Shaker Bench:
Cutting Dovetails by Hand
March 14, 15, 2020, Saturday and Sunday, 9am-5pm

Build Your Own Cod Rib 12 Canoe
Cutting Dovetails by Hand
March 14, 15, 2020, Saturday and Sunday, 9am-5pm
We will focus on making hand-cut dovetails while making this very useful bench/table.

Build Your Own Cod Rib 12 Canoe
June 14-19, 2020, Sunday - Friday, 9am-5pm
In the past, I ran my own program of woodworking classes and these two classes were favorites of students. I have decided to mix things up a little this year and offer these two classes again.
Feel free to contact me with any questions. Space is limited to 4 per class so you will get a lot of individual attention.